I have mentioned before that I favour organic and natural based beauty products in my Looking behind the labels: Parabens post, but what about cruelty free products?
I have always been an animal lover since I collected the Animal Ark book series as a child. Although my vet aspirations did not last long (weak stomach!), my love for animals has always stayed with me. Due to this I would never knowingly purchase a product that has been tested on animals, but like many beauty lovers I feel that the industry makes it difficult to find out the origins of the products we buy. Many consumers buy products based on their advertising or on a whim whilst out shopping - therefore skipping the research into the ingredients and whether or not they are tested on animals. This convenience shopping could mean that people are unknowingly purchasing products that they might otherwise avoid for ethical reasons.
Fortunately there are many fantastic cruelty free brands on the market today which certainly makes it easier for those of us who want to avoid products that have been tested on animals. For an easy way to identify cruelty-free products look out for the Leaping Bunny logo which are 'certified cruelty free under the internationally-recognised Humane Cosmetics or Humane Household Products Standards.' Although the EU has now banned animal tested cosmetics, this is not applicable to cosmetics sold outside the EU. As Go Cruelty Free states, 'The Leaping Bunny is a global standard and applies to all of the operations and sales of companies, not just those for the EU. We only certify companies that have a policy not to test their products on animals for any market, including China where animal testing for imported products is currently required.' So definitely keep an eye out for the Leaping Bunny if you want to ensure you are buying cruelty-free products!
Cruelty free brands:
To name but a few! For more cruelty-free brands and shopping advice I highly recommend visiting the Go Cruelty Free website. How do you feel about cruelty-free products? Do you research cosmetics or companies before you make a purchase?